Recently, the CEO of Chick-Fil-A, Dan Cathy remarked that the Biblical definition of marriage as between a man and a man should be upheld. By that comment, he drew the ire of same sex marriage and gay rights activists/supporters and the whole country has been engulfed in the seeming conflagration that comment has purportedly ignited. Whether Dan Cathy made that comment as a patriotic citizen who has the right to freedom of expression or as the CEO of a thriving organization, it makes no difference. What is important is that every American has the right to express himself/herself freely without being nailed to the cross as long as that expression is not deemed libelous or slanderous by a competent court of law. We have Gay Pride Parades almost everyday in all nooks and crannies of the United States and the homosexual community has been clamoring for their so called rights to be who they want to be, marry who they want to marry openly without being demonized or victimized for it. Of course, nobody is victimizing or demonizing them for professing to be who they think they are and it will amount to intolerable preposterousness for the same community of people who want their right protected to try to stifle that of others who perhaps, do not agree with their social views. Who says what is sauce for the goose cannot be sauce for the gander? Your view is that you should be allowed to be homosexual and be respected for it and my view is that homosexuality is a sin. Why shouldn't each of us express his/her view without being labeled a bigot or a hater? What makes the United States tick is the prevalence of an atmosphere that accords everybody their constitutionally granted rights and freedom but when one group tries to shut down another in defense of their own constitutional rights and freedom, it becomes an act of hate and intolerance. Last time I checked, the Constitution of the United States guarantees every citizen the freedom of religion and speech. I am Christian and my world and social views draw from the principles and doctrines of the Bible, and since the Constitution of the United States guarantees my freedom of religion and expression, I should without fear or favor, exercise those rights and freedom and the same thing applies to my neighbor who holds a different world (social/religious) view. So, why all this bickering and ruffling of feathers over Dan Cathy's expression of his constitutional right? If you don't like what he said, say your own that he doesn't like and that should settle it. Enough of this politicizing of this non-issue by the Mayors of Chicago and Boston. They should rather face and combat the rising crime (especially murder) rates in their cities and devote more time in addressing the economic challenges their cities face rather than waste precious time on being disgruntled, biased umpires of a social game whose winner the Constitution has already unequivocally determined. The Christian/Biblical stance is that marriage should be between a man and a woman and those who hold those views should be allowed to express them within their social reality without being accused of what they are not and those who hold a contrary view should be allowed as well to express them within the same social reality. Lest I forget, what makes homosexuality and same sex marriage acceptable and polygamy unacceptable? God help the U.S.A!
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