The problem in Washington D.C is not that it is difficult for the parties (Democratic and Republican) to come together for the good of the American people, the problem is that their re-elections and party ideologies are more important to them than the welfare of the American people. The Democrats live in a world where they think we can spend our way to prosperity. They believe in government creating jobs rather than the private sector. They believe in a nanny, welfare state and believe the government is the solution to all economic problems. On the other hand, the Republicans are too hypocritical. What they say in public is different from what they do in the legislative chamber. They will rather have the economy crash so they can campaign and win elections on those premises than compromise to get the job done or create jobs. Their single goal in the coming year is to make sure President Obama is a single-term president and they are willing to shoot down any proposal from the Obama White House no matter how noble it is in other to accomplish that selfish, partisan goal. It is surprising the Republicans no longer believe in tax cuts just because the proposal is from Obama. Several elements in the Jobs Bill are proposals they traditionally uphold but because they want to see Obama fail, they were willing to vote along party lines in order to defeat the bill. The question remains: Who has the interest of the Middle Class and the country at heart? Who has the interest of the American economy at heart? The answer is NONE. Neither the President nor the Congress has the interest of suffering Americans at heart. The President is busy chasing shadows - gay rights, his re-election, etc. while the Republicans are busy protecting Wall Street which caused the collapse of the economy. It is obvious now that while Democrats are looking out for people who depend on welfare, the Republicans are looking out for the super-rich but sadly enough, no one is looking out for the Middle Class. It is high time our elected officials jettisoned partisan politics in the interest of America and Americans!
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